Friday, October 19, 2012

Chewy Coconut Cookies

These are my husband's new favorite cookie. I believe he even pulled the divorce card if I ever stopped making them. How they came about? I just ask him what kind I cookie I should make and he replied, "something coconut". So I searched All Recipes for recipes and found one that I had all the ingredients for, a few tweaks, a couple of batches and I have perfected the recipe! Original recipe can be found here.

My assistant checking the recipe

To be honest, I never measure the coconut.  I just dump a bunch in!

If you stagger the cookies they won't run into each other. 

My other lovely assistant. 

Chewy Coconut Cookies

Original recipe can be found here.

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup of butter (softened)
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup white sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 3/4 cups shredded coconut


1. Preheat oven to 350 F. Mix the flour and baking soda together, set aside.

2. In another bowl mix together brown and white sugars, then add melted butter until you have a smooth mixture. Beat in the egg and vanilla until you have a nice fluffy mixture. Add the flour mixture gradually then the coconut. Drop by spoonfuls (I used 1 tablespoon cookie scoop) on an ungreased cookie sheet a few inches apart.

3. Bake for 9-11 minutes. I bake some of mine a bit longer to get some with a golden brown coconutty crust. Yum! Remove from cookie sheets to cooling rack. Cool. Eat. Enjoy.

Clearly, this baking stuff is exhausting. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Halloween Sensory Box

Hi all!!! I know, it's been forever. Well that's what you get when you have a baby and move in the same month. Then it's taken two more months to get any kind of rhythm down in our life. So, blogger fail. Wife/mom win.  But I've had a lot of great blog ideas while I was away. So YAY!! GET PUMPED!!

It's almost Halloween.  My husbands (and me too) favorite holiday.  Also, our anniversary....five ridiculous years if you were wondering....scary, I know.  Anywho, I wanted to do something fun. He doesn't really grasp the concept of the holiday yet, it's all CANDY!!! Oh well, next year. Till then we'll just play.

So here's what I did. I took a plain old plastic storage container (get one with a locking lid) and filled it with black beans and blank eyed peas. I then filled it with Halloween theme items I got at Target, the local dollar store, and some stuff I just had around the house!

Beans and Peas

He helped pour the bags in

And mix them all together. 

I gave him his scoops. Then I added a mini plastic pumpkin, 
baking cups, fake spiders and bugs, Halloween finger puppets, 
and a pumpkin glow ring. Then I just let him go nuts. 

He had fun scooping the beans and
 pouring them into the little pumpkin
Elbows deep!
'Counting' the beans
I guess the ghost finger puppet
needed to see his new molars.
Juice break...

Happy Halloween!!!

Pop the lid on when you're done.
And it's ready to go for next time. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

The Boy Who Wouldn't Sleep: Part IV

Welp, we recently hit yet ANOTHER road bump with Little Dude's sleep issues. If you saw, he was recently  visited by the longest cold ever.  Seriously, he was sick for over 3 weeks, waking up with coughing fits 2-3 times a night. It was awful because we couldn't give him any relief except to hold him and offer him water.  There's nothing worse than feeling helpless when your child is sick and in pain. *sigh*

Remember this? Poor guy..
Needless to say...he totally regressed.  After he got better he was still waking up 3 times a night expecting us to lay down with him until he fell asleep again. While Joe tried to help as much as he was mainly my big prego butt in there getting up off the floor.  It was absolute MURDER on my back.  I remember laying there one night bawling silently, trying to choke back the sobs, wondering how the hell I was going to do this with two children. I made a decision right then that something had to give...

My solution? Cry. It. Out. I can see some of you rolling your eyes right now like, 'Duh, lady...why the hell didn't you try that before?' Well, dear friends my sweet husband couldn't handle the crying in the middle of the night. I would have two babies on my hands and I couldn't handle the stress of trying to ignore my son's cries and keep my husband calm. Well, he wasn't getting the choice this time, *I* was the one getting up with the kid.  He wasn't looking forward to it..but agreed. We put the crib back together that morning. (Side note: we realized I was just about as far along in my pregnancy as I was the FIRST time we put the crib together)

Blast from the past! These are from when we first put his crib together...

Little dude was pretty excited about his crib being back. He wanted to play in it with his stuffed animals, he read books to himself, I was feeling pretty optimistic. When bedtime came, we read his stories and then...dun, dun, dunnnnn....crib time. Ugh, he cried and screamed for 'Mama'. Talk about heartbreaking!  I did the modified thing and went in and comforted him after 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 7 minutes, 10 minutes, etc. Thankfully Joe was at work that first night. It took Little Dude about an hour to finally fall asleep. He had two wake ups that night with pretty much the same results. I got to give credit to Joe, that first night he ended up getting a migraine and didn't freak out at all. So proud!

The second night was a little better and on the third he actually slept from 10pm to 7am without waking up once!! On the fourth night he actually spent the night and Grandma and Papa's, we gave them the go-ahead to get him to sleep however they needed too. He ended up falling asleep on Papa and sleeping the entire night (not surprising for my little snugglebug).  We expected some backlash for that but for the most part...Little Dude is sleeping from 9pm to 6-7am.  He might wake up once but usually is back to sleep in 20 minutes. Praise Buddha!

My sweet sleeping boy...

Although I'm getting up every hour to go to the bathroom at this point so I'm not reaping the benefits as much as I'd like, it's still amazing. After 20 months of wrestling with sleep issues, using every technique available, it turned out revisiting CIO was our solution, I think the age difference and not nursing this time help tremendously. Also, I really, really think this will help with the coming baby and new house, my little man is going to have a LOT of adjusting and I'm glad he's getting some sleep in a place where he feels secure. I should also note that he still sleeps on the floor for naps, we tried CIO for naps but with all the construction going on right outside his window during the day I don't blame him. I think we'll tackle that one once we're moved into our house.

I think it's time for a celebratory funky prego dance...join me won't you? 

Oh...and somehow THIS happened along the way.
From one kid in our bed to another...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

10 Reasons Why I NEED a Silhouette Cameo....

Ten Reasons Why I NEED a Silhouette Cameo:

1. No more buying overpriced stencils for my projects. Cause I can't draw for crap. 
2. I can use it to make etched glass presents. Don't YOU want one from me?
3. I can use it to make cards. Who doesn't love a homemade card? 
4. I can use it for my 'Malwear' clothes. You know you want some. 
5. Um, they're freakin' awesome. <---Solid logic
6. It cuts paper, vinyl, and fabric.  I love multi-tasking machines.
7. It will help me organize the new house. OMG, yes please. 
8. No extra cartridges to buy and I can use fonts/images on my computer. Saving $$? ok!
9. Think of all the children's projects I can do!! Birthday parties would be EPIC!!
10.  I really, really, really want one!!!!!!! <--More solid logic. 

Like and share this post so we can convince my husband on this investment!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Little dude is sick.  Hardcore, first full blown cold complete with runny nose, wretched cough and a double ear infection.  It's so true that it's worse for the parents.  There's nothing more I would give then to be in his shoes right now and for him to be healthy.  It gives me a new appreciation for parents with terminally sick kids. I couldn't imagine.

Trying to play...trying...

Finally passed out.

He's been sick for over a week now, we've utilized every trick in our natural and medical bags and the little guy is still having a rough go of it. We're in survival mode, whatever it takes to get the kid to eat, sleep, take his medicine.
Absolutely I right?

And while I LOVE my son with all of my heart....I was going completely  crazy being locked in this tiny little apartment with a crankapotamus for that long.  I mean, when he has a rare burst of energy, I take him outside to get some fresh air and sunshine.  But it's only a brief reprieve from our solitude.

Hangin' with his BFF. 
I love this little boy. 

My hubs is probably having the worst time of it all though because he can't help.  Little dude only wants Mama.  Mama at 2, 3, & 5am.  My back is killing me from contorting in positions where I can hold little dude up so he's not drowning in his own congestion and that are even remotely comfortable for me. It would be so much easier if I wasn't pregnant.  But, as it stands I still am pregnant and must walk this long road alone like many a mother before me.

3am snuggles.

Thank Goddess we babywear.
This is how I've been able to get ANYTHING done this past week. 

Today however, the husband told me to get out of the house. Just go...but bring back dinner. He's a good guy and watches the little one when he can but when you're sick you want your mama.  That's just how it is. I walked around the mall for an hour and it was very relaxing just to be able to get out for a bit.  I feel refreshed and energized to tackle the next couple of days.  I've even got some crafts lined up (and two half-started) if the opportunity presents itself.  My little patient comes first however.  We'll be back to the doctors tomorrow for a check up unless he makes a miraculous recovery tonight...what? A mama can dream can't she?

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Of *Course* I Do Tie Dye!!

Duh...hippie, remember? Ever since Little Dude started napping really well during the day, I've been getting a good 2-3 hours to get stuff done. Lately I've been using that time to do research for the house like figuring out paint colors, lighting, bathroom vanities...I feel like I live in Home Depot some days.

Every now and then, however, this mama needs to get her craft on.  It relaxes me.  Who knew?  AND doing something to prepare for the wee nugget due in just 7 weeks (eep! so soon?) is nice since I really can't prep the little one's room or anything yet.

All ready to dye!!

It's been *years*, 10 actually, since I've done any tie dying solo so I thought it best I just went with a simple kit.  I bought this one at my local craft store. I had a bunch of white onesies and side snap shirts (still in the packages) from Little Dude's baby shower that we just never used since we received so many.  It was time for those puppies to get re-vamped! I vaguely remembered the different techniques for designs so I just winged it! 

I used the three colors provided in the kit plus black and purple RIT dye.  I did it in the bathroom with the fan back off about a preggo and fumes. I had plastic bags on the floor, paper towels at the ready, rubber gloves, an apron on.  I wish I got a picture of that...but alas naptime is only so long and I was on a mission. I dyed the fabrics following the directions in the kit and placed them in a plastic wash bin on top of some paper towels so the colors wouldn't bleed into each other.  I placed a plastic bag on top of the bin and put it in the shower (it's the one we don't use often) out of Little Dude's reach for 24 hours.

The next day during naptime I rinsed out all the dye. Took FOR-EV-ER!! But I'm pretty pleased with the result. I really like the top two but I knew I was going to want to do something to the bottom three.  So I thought about it for a day or so and came up with the a few ideas.

I'm not really a HUGE fan of Martha Stewart but she makes these awesome multi-surface paints that work on wood, glass, fabric, ceramic and more! Yes, this thrifty mama was sold particularly when I found them ON SALE at ye old local craft store. So touche, Martha, touche. Along with some brushes, stencils (because I can't draw for squat) and masking tape I was ready to set for Phase 2.

 Here's what came of it!!

"Black Hole Sun"

"Purple Peace"


Closeup of Rockstar

(obviously this one I just painted on)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Boy Who Wouldn't Sleep: Part III

It's been two weeks since I last posted about my sweet non-sleeping cherub.  *sigh*.....welp.  He's getting...better? I guess.

Week 3- He would wake up just about every night between 2-4, come into our room where I would then take him back to his 'bed' wrestle with him for 45 minutes, he would then pop up and say, 'All done!'. *sigh* Then he would be up for an hour or two, I'd feed him and let him watch cartoons.  Don't you dare judge's 3am in the morning!! Which means I'm usually working on 2-3 hours of sleep, oh and I'm 8 months pregnant...and wrestling him/pretending to be asleep on the hard floor does wonders for my back and hips. Joe got up with him a couple of times but remember...he's a grumpy bear when he wakes up. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Week 4- Progress?  Still waking up between 2-4 BUT he would take my hand and lead me back to his room and want me to lay down with him.  Then he would fall asleep within 20 minutes and sleep till 7-8ish.  Hallelujah! Yea...until tonight when he wakes up at 3am...back to the wrestling, crying, waking up Joe and clash of the tired parents. Ugh. So here I sit...bawling my eyes out trying to figure out how in Hades I'm going to do this with two kids.

I know lots of other parents say "Try cry it out...ignore him...don't let him get up".  You obviously haven't met myself or my husband.  He's a stubborn Italian fella and I've got some deep Irish roots...the combination is willful children.  Yes, we let him 'win', we let him dictate when he's ready for something.  But at the same time, we had no trouble transitioning him from boob to sippy cup and now he drinks from regular cups with ease. He gave up his pacifier voluntarily at 14 months. We never really have a problem with him refusing foods, he eats a variety. And people are always shocked to find out he's only 19 months, with his vocabulary and motor skills people think he's more like 2 or older.'s been said multiple times by both Joe and I that our boy will be ready in his own time...and we can't force him into something he doesn't want to do because it just make it worse (must remember this for his teenage years...). So I'm going to dry my eyes and browse the interwebz for cloth diapers and wraps for Baby Dos and pray that M's little sibling is a good sleeper.  *yawn*

I have a feeling that if we let D'argo, our pup, sleep with him
he'd sleep all night.  Maybe when he's older...this mama
is too scared that he'd get squished in the middle of the night. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Fresh Strawberry Muffins

I'm getting all sorts of excited for U-pick strawberry season to come into effect.  T-MINUS 30 DAYS!!!! I have been C-R-A-V-I-N-G strawberries this entire pregnancy and being able to pick buckets of them is the equivalent of a man discovering a free beer tree.

I've found a ton of yummy strawberry recipes...thank YOU Pinterest. but so far this one is my hands down favorite. Fresh Strawberry Muffins.  I got the original recipe from Wendy's Food Files but have, of course, changed it a little.

Fresh Strawberry Muffins

1/2 cup butter, softened
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups flour
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp cinnamon
pinch of salt (easily can be omitted)
1/2 cup milk
1 1/2 cups chopped strawberries

1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp cinnamon

Cream butter and sugar. Add egg and vanilla, mix well.

Sift together flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt.  Add alternatively with the milk to the egg mixture. Gently stir in strawberries.

Spoon into muffin pans.

Mix together sugar and cinnamon, sprinkle on top of muffins.

Bake at 400ยบ for 20-25 minutes.  Cool. Devour.  I think these are best within 48 hours of making them.

Be careful....these go FAST. 

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Brown Bear, Brown Bear

Who doesn't love Eric Carle? I know I loved his books growing up and I'm happy to say that M loves them too. My personal favorite was (is) Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me. M is a big fan of A Very Hungry Caterpillar, A Very Quiet Cricket, A Very Busy Spider, Ten Little Rubber Ducks and Brown Bear, Brown Bear. 

I came across some awesome printables here via Pinterest and while most of them are far too advanced for M at this point I found a couple that would work for him now. It was fairly simple. 

I printed the sheet from the website

Cut out each square.

Spaced the out in a pouch and laminated.
(Use can also use clear contact paper for this step.)

And trimmed the excess plastic off. Viola!

He did the fish by himself! 

M had a blast playing with them.  I helped him match up the animals but I made him help and point out which ones.  He also like pretending to 'swim' through them so that's just bonus fun right there. 

I also thought M would like the lacing cards since he has fun lacing his colored pasta. 

It was another laminating project.  Again, clear contact paper works well too.  Once laminated and trimmed I used a single hole punch (Thanks, Mom!!) to punch out the holes and grabbed some boondoggle for the 'thread'.  I had to help him but we had fun. 

In and pull...which is what he calls it now  :)
Being a little dork. 

 I'm looking forward to making the Mini Coloring Book later this week for road trips.