Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Boy Who Wouldn't Sleep: Part III

It's been two weeks since I last posted about my sweet non-sleeping cherub.  *sigh*.....welp.  He's getting...better? I guess.

Week 3- He would wake up just about every night between 2-4, come into our room where I would then take him back to his 'bed' wrestle with him for 45 minutes, he would then pop up and say, 'All done!'. *sigh* Then he would be up for an hour or two, I'd feed him and let him watch cartoons.  Don't you dare judge's 3am in the morning!! Which means I'm usually working on 2-3 hours of sleep, oh and I'm 8 months pregnant...and wrestling him/pretending to be asleep on the hard floor does wonders for my back and hips. Joe got up with him a couple of times but remember...he's a grumpy bear when he wakes up. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Week 4- Progress?  Still waking up between 2-4 BUT he would take my hand and lead me back to his room and want me to lay down with him.  Then he would fall asleep within 20 minutes and sleep till 7-8ish.  Hallelujah! Yea...until tonight when he wakes up at 3am...back to the wrestling, crying, waking up Joe and clash of the tired parents. Ugh. So here I sit...bawling my eyes out trying to figure out how in Hades I'm going to do this with two kids.

I know lots of other parents say "Try cry it out...ignore him...don't let him get up".  You obviously haven't met myself or my husband.  He's a stubborn Italian fella and I've got some deep Irish roots...the combination is willful children.  Yes, we let him 'win', we let him dictate when he's ready for something.  But at the same time, we had no trouble transitioning him from boob to sippy cup and now he drinks from regular cups with ease. He gave up his pacifier voluntarily at 14 months. We never really have a problem with him refusing foods, he eats a variety. And people are always shocked to find out he's only 19 months, with his vocabulary and motor skills people think he's more like 2 or older.'s been said multiple times by both Joe and I that our boy will be ready in his own time...and we can't force him into something he doesn't want to do because it just make it worse (must remember this for his teenage years...). So I'm going to dry my eyes and browse the interwebz for cloth diapers and wraps for Baby Dos and pray that M's little sibling is a good sleeper.  *yawn*

I have a feeling that if we let D'argo, our pup, sleep with him
he'd sleep all night.  Maybe when he's older...this mama
is too scared that he'd get squished in the middle of the night. 


  1. Ugh so sorry! I feel your pain...I'm up with one or the other all night long! I cry too and also give in to the cartoons so he will stay still and quiet si I can pass out!! :)

  2. Oh man, I really hope M gets himself figured out before the arrival of Dos. I am sorry that things are so rough. How you haven't broken or exploded is a true testament to what an awesome gal you are! I wish there was something more I could do to help. :(
