Saturday, April 14, 2012


I think everyone has seen the pin on Pinterest with melting crayons in muffin tins. I couldn't find the original source but 'followed' the pictures. 

Woo-hoo!! Crayons!! Who doesn't love to color with their kids?  And what better way to get rid of those mixed matched, half empty boxes or the broken crayons at the bottom of the box then to make fun shaped crayons? This was a lot of fun for me to do but M is still a bit young for this project but I bet it would be fun for some older kids (or teens or parents or grandparents). 

Step #1: Peel crayons. I used an Exacto knife and things went a lot faster. 

Step #2:  Preheat oven to 275°.  Break up crayons into pieces, and place into muffin tins. I used non-stick spray and silicone trays. It took 4-5 crayon halves to fill up these big ones.  I think I'll even put more in the heart ones next time. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until completely melted. 

Step #3: Remove from oven and let them cool for about 5 minutes. Place the trays in the freezer to make the  process faster. Pop 'em out and ENJOY!! 

This batch of crayons is going to a very special little girl who's about to be a big sister!! I'm going to pretty them up and give them to her at her mother's baby shower. Hopefully I will update this tomorrow with a new picture. And I'll let you know how the second batch comes out. 

Gift for the Soon-to-be big sister. 


  1. These are so awesome!!! Hehehe thank you, Mal!!!

  2. You're so welcome Brittany! I really hope she enjoys her 'special' big girl gift :D

  3. Just wanted to let you know that I heart you :-) I cannot wait to read all about your adventures :-)
